Comfitables - Consumer Information
Hartz Comfitables dog diapers are available in multiple sizes. Learn more about which size is appropriate for your pet.
Become successful at exercise and socialization to build good behavior and companionship
Hartz Comfitables dog diapers are available in multiple sizes. Learn more about which size is appropriate for your pet.
We love our feline friends, but these finicky creatures tend to have a tough time in situations like grooming, going to the vet, or getting their nails trimmed.
It’s never a good thing when your cat is biting. It’s not just painful – it can potentially be dangerous if left unattended. Many cat bites require medical attention and can qui...
With the pawliday season upon us, it’s the purrfect time to spoil your four-legged family members, even if they’ve been a little naughty!
Adoption of pets with special needs is at an all-time high, and that says something about how wonderful pet lovers really are. People who truly love pets never let a unique qual...
Although cats are generally very clean animals who take care of their own grooming, from time to time, they need a little extra help.
Ensuring that your cat has plenty of toys to keep her entertained and satisfy her natural hunting instinct is one of the best things you can do for her happiness!
Cats are very territorial creatures. Although they are “selectively social” with other members of the same species, in the end, our domestic house cats evolved from a solitary s...
Picture a relaxing evening at home. Your favorite show on television, a nice cozy blanket, curled up on the couch. The only thing that would make this evening complete is a purr...
If you’ve spent any time around cats, you’ll be familiar with all the adorable sounds they make.