Choosing the Right Apartment Dog
Are you currently looking for a new companion but fear the dog you choose may not be suited for apartment living? Luckily, with so many dog breeds out there, it is possible to choose the best one suited for this kind of lifestyle. We list the top 20 best apartment dogs.


Bichon Frise


Miniature Schnauzer

When it comes to selecting the right dog for your apartment, there are some things you should be cautious of. Dogs bred to be protectors (such as Dobermans and Rottweilers) may not be the best choices. They often sense people on the street or nearby your building could pose a danger to their owner. Some Terrier breeds can get into trouble when left alone and can easily turn an entire apartment into a disaster area.

Basset Hound

Australian Shepherd



Boston Terrier
Almost any dog can live in an apartment as long as he gets the right kind of exercise to remain stable and happy. It’s important to remember that these apartment breeds listed do tend to have generalized characteristics but can also have varying energy levels within the breed and each particular dog is different.




Scottish Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier
If you are looking for help narrowing down the list, you may just want to ask your apartment manager. Many buildings ban specific breeds, most commonly pit bulls, for various reasons. Weight limits, often varying between 25-50lbs, are also a factor you may need to consider when making the selection.


Brittany Spaniel

Chow Chow


We leave you with the top questions to ask yourself when considering your future/next apartment companion:
- How much time will I be able to spend training my apartment dog to be a good neighbor?
- How much exercise is my dog going to need?
- Would I be better off with a dog breed that may be less threatening to my neighbors?
- How large of a dog will I be able to handle and properly train?