You’ve rescued an adorable little fluff ball. Before you can decide what you need to do next, you need to determine his age. A one-week old kitten needs a completely different level of care than a four week old. Once you know his age, you’ll know if you need to stimulate him to potty or provide a litter box.
Please remember that this chart is only a general guide. Every kitten is different. Some kittens open their eyes at three days. Some kittens wean themselves at 3 weeks, while others squeal for a bottle at 8 weeks.
Newborn to
7 days
- A kitten will weigh 3 to 4 ounces at birth
- Ears flat against head
- Kitten can’t regulate his body temperature
- Kitten is blind and deaf
- Kitten can smell well enough to find mother’s nipple
- Sleeps 90% of the time and eats the other 10%
- Room should be 85° to 90° F
- Kitten should be fed 6 to 12 times a day
- Stimulate private parts to help him go to
the bathroom
Day 3
Newborn to
14 days
5 to 14
6 days
7 days
- Kitten should weigh 6 to 8 ounces
- Hold head and chest up
7 to 14
- Room should be kept at 80° to 85° F
- Kitten should be fed 5 to 7 times daily
- Kitten should weigh 8 to 10 ounces
14 day
- Starting to coordinate his movements
- Locates specific sounds
- Stands up and crawls around
- Begins to play and explore
14 to 17
- Begins walking (probably wobbly)
14 to 21
- Room should be 75° to 80° F
- Starts to explore his surroundings
- Kitten should be fed 4 to 7 times daily
- Kitten should weigh 10 to 12 ounces
17 to 21
- Poops and pees on his own
- Interacts with littermates
- Tail swishes
21 days
- Really walking
- Ears stand up
- Swivels ears
- Scratches with hind leg
- Eyes starting to focus
- Turns head toward sounds
21 to 28
- Canine teeth (fangs) emerge
- Pees and poops without help
- Runs and climbs
- Kitten should be fed 3 to 7 times daily
- Kitten should weigh at least 14 ounces
- Should start socialization with people and friendly cats
28 days
- Room should be no cooler than 70° F
- Laps milk replacer from a saucer and eats gruel or canned foods
- Kitten should weigh at least 28 ounces
- Playing with littermates
4 to 5
- Lower molars emerge
- Kittens begin to pounce
- Runs around
- Uses litter box
6½ to 7 weeks
- Eyes change from baby blue to their adult color
7 weeks
8 weeks
- Upper molars emerge
- Many vets will spay or neuter kitten
12 weeks
- Ideal time to remove from mother
12 to 16 weeks
5 to 6 months