January is National Train Your Dog Month
Today we’re taking some time to recognize National Train Your Dog Month! In honor of our special canine friends, we’d like to help bring increased awareness to the importance of...
Today we’re taking some time to recognize National Train Your Dog Month! In honor of our special canine friends, we’d like to help bring increased awareness to the importance of...
Dogs tend to have a keen sense of smell, will eat just about anything, and love to immerse themselves in whatever their owners are doing.
During the winter, pet parents browsing online inevitably see article after article about how to keep pets in shape all through the cold season.
Does your dog seem to act up when he sees you petting your friend's pooch? Does he clamor for your attention even more when there are other canines nearby?
Hartz® Dog Pads have many other uses besides the obvious such as lining a crate when hitting the road or just as a doormat to dry those wet paws when coming inside.
Though dog and cat owners typically spend a lot of their waking hours with their pets and picking up pet toys, that apparently isn't enough, as many Americans say that they shar...
You may be considering how you can improve your life in the new year – but what about your pet's?
If you own a dog, chances are there has been a time or two when you felt as though your pet was speaking to you. Dogs are highly expressive animals, and can often convey their s...
All dog breeds were originally bred to work in some capacity, so it's important to help all dogs find their purposes in life.
When it comes to buying gear for your dog, there are so many options that it can be a little confusing, even for those who have had dogs in the past.