Seasonal Flea and Tick Protection
As the summer comes to a close, it’s a mistake to think that it is safe to stop your flea and tick regime.
Explore our archives for tips and advice for every aspect of your dog’s care throughout all life stages.
As the summer comes to a close, it’s a mistake to think that it is safe to stop your flea and tick regime.
You did it! Congratulations on deciding to spay (or sterilize) your female pet! Learn how to make her recovery easier.
Ensuring that your cat has plenty of toys to keep her entertained and satisfy her natural hunting instinct is one of the best things you can do for her happiness!
While your dog may still have that spring in his step and seem healthy at first glance, now is the time of year when you should bring your pooch in for a veterinary visit to han...
It's summertime, everyone loves to be outside - and that includes your family pet.
The outdoors is filled with smells and excitement, as well as new dogs to play with and old friends to meet. But the summer is also the worst time for outdoor pets.
Older dogs and dogs with back injuries among other things may not be able to hold in their urine and/or feces. Depending on the cause of urinary or fecal incontinence this can b...
Summer is a terrific time to be a dog owner. It’s the perfect time to run, swim and play with your dog in amazing weather.
As you prep the grill, hang up those patriotic decorations, and plan where to watch the fireworks, make sure you’re furry one is prepared to have an enjoyable and safe Fourth!
What says Happy 4th of July better than fireworks? While enjoyable and entertaining for people, fireworks can send your dog into a scared frenzy.