
  • A mild and effective method to remove roundworms (Toxocara Canis and Toxacaris Leonia) from cats and kittens.
  • Includes 4 ounces of dewormer syrup
  • For use on cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older
  • Store product in a cool, dry place and avoid temperatures above 86°F
4 oz.
  • Product Description

    Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Liquid for Cats is an easy-to-use solution for removing roundworms in cats and kittens.

    Directions for Use

    Simply measure one teaspoon (5mL) per 5 pounds of body weight.

    The syrup can be dropped directly into your pet's mouth or mixed into food.

    Cats may be dewormed at earliest between 6-8 weeks of age. The first treatment should be repeated 14 days later. If reinfestation is apparent, treat again in another 14 days. Be sure to store this product in a cool, dry place where temperatures do not exceed 86°F.

    Consult a veterinarian before using in severely debilitated animals.

    • Does Hartz UltraGuard® have an expiration date?

      An expiration date is not required on Hartz UltraGuard® products. However, Hartz has established a shelf life for all UltraGuard® products to ensure a quality product.

    • How many different types of intestinal worms can attack my dog?

      As a dog owner, it’s important to know about the different types of worms and their potential effects on your dog’s health. The most common are roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms. See Intestinal parasites and your dog.

    • How does my dog become infected with intestinal worms?

      How your pet becomes infected depends on the type of worm. Puppies may become infected with roundworms while in uterus, thus they are already infected at birth. Otherwise, they can become infected through their mother’s milk. This is also true of hookworms. To become infected with Tapeworms dogs need to ingest an infected flea. See Intestinal parasites and your dog.

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